Today brings many more Photoshop keyboard shortcuts, shortcuts which can be the answer to your prayers for more time.
Each keyboard shortcut can often save 2, 3, or 4 clicks of the mouse, plus your time reading pop-up dialog boxes which may appear at each step.
While one shortcut may not seem like that much of a time-saver, over the course of an entire photo project they can really add up.
Maybe all of them won't be useful for you, but the repeated use of the ones most commonly used in your work will make your life easier...help you get back some of your precious time.
That being said, here are today's Shortcut Sunday tips:
X switches your foreground and background color palettes
B brings up the brush tool
T brings up the text tool
J brings up the healing tool
W brings up the wand tool
Ctrl -Tab when you're working from several photos at once, your desktop can get pretty messy. Using this shortcut lets you quickly switch between layers
Ctrl -Shift-N adds a new layer to your work and includes the dialog pop-up box
Ctrl - Shift - Alt -N adds a new layer to your work instantly, without the dialog pop-up appearing
That's it for today's Shortcut Sunday tips. Be sure to try them out immediately while fresh in your mind. Even if you don't think you'll use them, by trying them just once or twice you may find that you'll remember them at just the right time in the future when you need them.
And for the ultimate Photoshop memory tool...be sure to sign-up for the FREE Photoshop Tip cards. Then, when you're stumped and wasting time because you want to do something but can't remember how, you can simply leaf through the tip cards setting beside your computer to find the answer.
No Google searching! No flipping from site to site! No interrupting your workflow!
If you really want to get through your Photoshop edits in the fastest possible way, and learn new tip and tricks to add pizazz to your photos...get your self a FREE pack of Photoshop Tip Cards today. Sign-up today!
And for even more great resources to help build your photography skills and profits -be sure to check out the other links located along the right side of this page. Personally used by me and tested for value, you'll find excellent opportunities for growth in the resource links provided.
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