Monday, March 16, 2009

Sharing My Tips On Photoshop

Many have asked how I get through so many Photoshop edits so quickly. To answer that I decided to share my secret with y'all here on this blog.

The answer: Cards.

I'm not an expert in Photoshop by any means. But when I learn a new "trick" I jot down the essential points in the process. Then, when I am looking to do a particular task later, I can remember (look up) what the heck I'm supposed to do.

There are just so many sites out there that offer free Photoshop tips (and I thank them profusely!) but it's time consuming to have to go back weeks or months later to research what you've already done...if only infrequently.

That's why I started jotting down notes. Notes everywhere.

And that worked great for a while, until I started losing my notes.

Normally I love all things computer. It's amazing the power at your fingertips. But sometimes I find the old ways are still the best. For organizing my Photoshop tips, index cards were the answer. And here's why:
  • Tip Cards sit on my desk, in a box so I can refer to them quickly without disrupting my workflow on the computer. (Flipping screens has me "flipping out" in no time.)
  • Once I've found a cool tip or shortcut, I never have to remember how to do it. I have a my Tip Card "remember" for me!
  • Saves countless hours "surfing the net" trying to look-up techniques I would have forgotten.
  • I can shuffle through my Tip Card deck any time I feel my output is getting boring. I'm quickly reminded of a technique I hadn't used in awhile.
So there it is folks, my secret is out. A great (always growing) set of Photoshop Tip Cards let me plow through a pile of pre-printing processes in no time. Say that fast if you can!

I'll be sharing the tips on those cards, like the ones used to make the photo included here, in subsequent posts on this blog. So I hope you'll return often.

If you're in a hurry though, and seek semi-instant gratification, I'll be making a mini-pack of those cards available FREE, right here on this blog. Just as soon as I figure out how to get a sign-up widget going. Until then...

Go Photoshop Something!
(or, if you got time on your hands, "Google" me to find other helpful blogs and photos.

Robert Schwarztrauber, Photographer

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